Referral Program
Despite our fantastic success in Florida (#2 seller of poly foam in USA), there are still some homeowners who don’t know about our state-of-the-art solution for sunken concrete problems.
We could use your help. Your neighbor could use your help. And, we’ll say thanks with cash!
Effective October 1st, 2018 we are launching our CASH-4-CUSTOMERS program. Every time someone you refer purchases a PolyLift USA solution, we will pay you $100 from our proceeds. Simple as that.
All your customer has to do, when they contact us by phone or email, is say – “I was referred by YOUR NAME.”
Their account will be notated and as soon as they pay for their service, we will send you a check for $100.
Here are the contact details:
- By phone – 844-765-9872
- By email –
Anytime you see a sunken patio, pool deck, sidewalk, driveway or foundation, you are looking at a PolyLift customer.
Why not carry around a few flyers in your car and drop one off when you see someone who could benefit?
Have You Already Referred a Client?
Submit a referral claim here
How It Works
Before & Afters

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